
the hawaii fund for food gardens

The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement and the Hawaii Public Health Institute, in partnership with the Philippine Consulate launched the Hawaii Fund for Food Gardens.

The Hawaii Fund for Food Gardens aims to support community efforts toward food self-sufficiency and will provide resources for individual residents, nonprofits, and community groups to create their own food gardens. The fund will include monetary support through microgrants, as well as training and supplies including seeds and tools.

the purpose of the project

The goal of this project is to promote the use of land for family farms, protect against pollution of farmlands, make affordable credit available to farmers, and help farmers solve problems.

In order to encourage people to produce their own food, we must provide instruction on how to plant and cultivate crops. By partnering with other community organizations, we can raise the necessary funds to make this happen.

our partners

Get Involved!

Food access is a huge public health issue. So we have to think creatively about how we are going to address that problem, and while backyard gardening is not the solution to everything, it’s a solution that can be done immediately.